Oscar Toledo Esteva in the decade of the 70's, designer of the computers G1 to G11.
Oscar Toledo Esteva is born April 21 of 1946 in Sidar, Oaxaca, in a station of workers of the railroad, near Juchitan City. First-born of Jose Toledo Orozco and Cecilia Esteva Martinez, inhabited a horizontal condominium for workers of the rail of railroads, the Zapotec is the language of the isthmus region, which was his maternal language.
In Sidar there was not school, his great-grandmother Mrs. Severa Luis Lopez (Na Severa Teo) that resided in Juchitan took him to live with her, she was the most famous cook and confectioner of the region. In Juchitan he studied the first school year until the third degree in the School Adolfo C. Gurrion of the fifth section, later the four to the sixth degree in the Central School of Juchitan.
When he studied the third school degree, in the afternoons, the students practiced manual works making toys with manual coping saws, using wood or fiber. Later he continued his work at home, builting tanguyú (toys of clay) that later cooked to obtain bigger hardness.
Since young it contracted the liking for the electronics, at 10 years-old it had already manufactured, with a box of shoes, some waste batteries, a focus of a hand lantern and a lens, a projector of transparencies and with it offered functions for his friends.
Oscar Toledo Esteva in 1970. |
Master of the electronic craft, one of the most astonishing qualities of Oscar Toledo is to be completely autodidact. After abandoning the primary school in Juchitan, Oaxaca, he arrived to Mexico City in 1959, his previous knowledge of electronic and radio repair earned him quickly a good reputation in the repair shops that disputed him for being faithful to the work.
In 1969 while he repaired televisions and audio amplifiers, he already built digital logic modules to get ready for the previous phase in the design of a versatile computer and economic for productive tasks, capable of manage any peripheral.
In 1979 he finished his first computer, was an imperfect machine, but it was sufficiently good to allow the development of the twelve generation computer fifth version (G12V5), able to compete with the current commercial computers.
While the computer equipments to those that we are accustomed are developed in big companies, with engineers' staff granted a doctorate in the most prestigious institutions, Oscar Toledo Esteva works quietly and self-employed, supported, of course, by his family and with an indefatigable spirit of superation.
The computer generation 12 version 5 is the proof of the effort, the ethic and the devotion of a man and his family that has forged a way based on the traditional juchiteca's principles. A man that, on following his dreams, has demostrated that the true science must be at the service of all the humankind.
» » Thoughts of Oscar Toledo Esteva.
The history continues...
Diffusion media | Diffusion Date |
Interview on "Detrás de la Noticia", time 1:06.06 to 1:09.32. 104.1 FM and TV channel 121 Sky/Cablevision. | Feb/18/2013 |
Interview on "Al Extremo", TV Azteca, channel 13 | Dec/08/2012 |
Report from newspaper «El Universal», Estado de México. | Nov/15/2012 |
Interview on Radio Juchitán Heroica 93.5 FM con Ezequiel Nushpiani | Mar/31/2012 8:00am |
Interview on "Vivó en Vivo" by José Gutiérrez Vivó | Sep/13/2011 |
Report from newspaper "El Imparcial del Istmo" | May/28/2011 |
Report from the "Quo" magazine | #157. Nov/2010 |
Interview on channel 22, program 12 "La Oveja Electrica" | Sep/01/2010 8:00pm |
Interview on channel 22, program 10 "La Oveja Electrica" | Aug/18/2010 8:00pm |
Interview on radio 106.1 FM, program "Planeta Digital", Cuernavaca, Morelos | Aug/04/2010 3:00pm |
Interview on radio 660 AM, program "Desde el sur" | Jun/10/2009 8:00pm |
Interview on radio 660 AM, program "El coyote charla" | Feb/20/2009 4:30pm |
Report from the "Quo" magazine | #131. Sep/2008 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Centro" | May/12/2008 |
Magazine «SG, Software Guru» | #19. Feb-Apr/2008 |
Interview on the magazine "Poder y Negocios" | Year 4, #2. Jan/15/2008 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Centro" | Sep/26/2007 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Universal" | Apr/10/2007 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Sol del Istmo" | Feb/03/2007 |
Interview on "Voces del Periodista" (radio 560 AM), by Celeste Saenz | Jan/19/2006 |
Report from the "Vertigo" magazine | #250 - Jan/01/2006 |
Interview on "Cambio" Magazine, Estado de Mexico | Dec/2005 |
Interview on "Hechos Meridiano" (TV channel 13) | Nov/30/2005 |
Interview on the newspaper "Metro" | Nov/29/2005 |
Interview on the newspaper "Reforma" | Nov/29/2005 |
Interview on the "Cambio" magazine, Estado de Mexico. | Oct/20/2005 |
Interview on the newspaper "Tiempo del Istmo" | Jun/04/2005 |
Interview on TV Cable-Noticias at Juchitán, Oax. | Jun/03/2005 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Sol del Istmo" | Jun/02/2005 |
Interview on the "Encuentros" program, 1180 AM, Juchitan, Oax. | Jun/01/2005 |
Interview on the newspaper "El Imparcial del Istmo" | Jun/01/2005 |
Interview on the magazine "Famosos In Touch" | Vol 0. No. 36. Mar/18/2005 |
Interview on the magazine "La Revista" (Spanish) | #54. Mar/07/2005 |
Interview on Radio Trece, 1290 AM, by Raul Tortolero | Feb/07/2005 |
Interview at Televalles, Cd. Valles, S.L.P. México, conduced by Víctor Alvarado | May/20/2004 |
Report from the «Tiempo de Oaxaca» newspaper, México | May/14/2004 & May/15 |
Interview from TVC (TV/Radio), Lo Bueno También Cuenta, conduced by César Costa | Mar/03/2004 |
Interview from the "Noticias" newspaper from Oaxaca, México | Feb/11/2003 |
Interview from the "Cambio" weekly magazine | #74 - Nov/10/2002 |
Interview from the "Tiempo" weekly publication of Juchitán, Oaxaca | Sep/02/2002 |
Interview from the "El Sol del Istmo" newspaper of Salina Cruz, Oaxaca | Aug/23/2002 |
Interview from the "Noticias" newspaper of Oaxaca, Mexico | Mar/06/2002 |
Interview from the "Milenio" newspaper | Dec/26/2000 |
Interview from the "PC Actual" spanish magazine | #125 - Dec/2000 |
Interview from the "El Sol de México" newspaper | Oct/30/2000 |
Interview from the "Cercanías Metrópoli" newspaper | #28 - Sep/10/2000 |
Interview in the AAISE web page | Sep/2000 |
Report from the "Excelsior" newspaper | May/01/2000 |
Interview in radio "Arroba" Radioactivo 98.5 FM (Mexico) | Jan/29/2000 |
Interview from the Oráculo e-zine (Spanish) | Aug/13/1999 |
Interview from the "Cercanías" newspaper | #0 - Aug/01/1999 |
Report from the "Sputnik" magazine | #9 - Jun/1999 |
Interview from ECO (channel 2 of TV) | May/28/1991 |
Interview from the "Enlace de Oaxaca" newspaper | Sep/16/1990 |
Interview from the "El Universal" newspaper | Mar/31/1988 |
Interview from radio XEB AM (México) | Oct/12/1987 |
Interview from TV Hispanic Broadcasting Corporation | Mar/16/1987 |
Report from the "El Financiero" newspaper | May/06/1985 |
Interview from the "La Jornada" newspaper | Apr/28/1985 |
Report from the "Informática" magazine | Jul/1982 |
Interview from the "Contenido" magazine | Mar/1982 |
Interview from the "Computerworld" newspaper | Nov/09/1981 |